Browsing All posts tagged under »milwaukee«

MKE is gone, I was laid off, blah blah blah

June 16, 2008


Today is the first lucid day I’ve had since Wednesday, when we were told that MKE was folding. Post-five-day bender, here is what I learned: 1. I can’t finish thoughts and sentences properly under duress 2. I heart Milwaukee more than I thought my officemates more than I thought was possible. 3. I need a dog. […]

Indigo Girls @ Pridefest

June 9, 2008


Someone asked me how the Indigo Girls concert at Pridefest was last night. “Everyone was wet,” I replied. I’ve always been a huge fan of the Indigo Girls, and the thing that annoys me the most about being a big fan is how dismissive the general public is of their music because of their sexual […]

A list of things I like about Milwaukee

June 6, 2008


1. It is pretty small, so driving around isn’t a hassle like Southern California. The distance, for example, from my old gym to my old house is equivalent to one end of the city to the other. 2. Like Manila, you bump into people you know. 3. Interesting things are ALWAYS going on. The bummer […]

Dwell on this

May 17, 2008


Speaking of friends’ sites, I really love Dwellephant’s blog. It’s like peeking over his shoulder and looking at his diary, which the voyeur in me quite likes.

Glen Hansard/ The Swell Season at the Riverside Theater

May 9, 2008


Glen Hansard leapt up on stage with just his guitar; no mic, no band, just him and his powerful voice singing “Say It To Me Now,” the way his busking character did in the movie “Once.” That set the tone for the rest of the night, where it seemed that Hansard and his partner, Markéta […]

Stars @ the Pabst

May 5, 2008


Friday night’s was pretty busy (Gallery Night, etc.), which probably accounted for the Pabst Theater, three-fourths filled, at the Stars show. For some reason that made me feel bad — not only were many Milwaukeeans missing out on one of the best bands in the world, but I also have this crazy, possessive, protective feeling […]

Kraftwerk @ the Rave

April 21, 2008


I’m still picking up pieces of my brain off the ground from the Kraftwerk show. Luckily I have photos of the first two minutes: people waiting around got their first vision of Kraftwerk through the curtain. These giant shadows of human beings against a red light, for “Man Machine.” And the wall behind them said […]

Vampire Weekend @ Turner Hall

April 8, 2008


I was kind of nervous about watching the sold-out Vampire Weekend show at Turner Hall Ballroom on Saturday, mostly because I didn’t want them to let me down. There’s a lot of hype, backlash, and clothing commentary involved in the band’s coverage so far, but the bottom line is their debut is one of the […]

Phish poetics at the MKE offices

April 8, 2008


Because we’re all terribly busy people, only conversations of import — like this one, between lifelong Phish fan (Phan?) Adam Lovinus and Tim Cigelske — are held at work daily, and only at significant junctures, like when Phish is playing on someone’s computer. alovinus: this is unneccessary jam band noodling tcigelske: what is? alovinus: phish […]

Explosions in the Sky @ The Pabst, Sunday, March 31

April 1, 2008


The fact that Sunday’s Explosions in the Sky show was sold out surprised me, but it shouldn’t have. The Austin-based band, after all, plays the kind of music that everyone describes as ‘epic’ and ‘mind-blowing.’ Obviously, most Milwaukeeans can get into that, as evidenced by the glowstick wielders in attendance, and the conversation of the […]