Browsing All posts tagged under »chicago«


July 22, 2009


In June, I started a tri-city music blog with Araceli and Brian. As a freelancer (who used to work for major dailies), I still get loads of press releases for music. And there’s so much going on in Los Angeles that I felt it was a shame I didn’t have an outlet for everything I […]

bird and the bee

May 5, 2008


bird and the bee, originally uploaded by lille.

Hot to Not: A short list to induce warm fuzzy feelings in you (Bon Iver, Bird and the Bee), then cold wrangly ones (lame fashion shows at art museums)

January 28, 2008


1. Vampire Weekend -  I was whining to a friend about the lousy Coachella lineup (this may be the first one I’ll miss in five years), and he said: “I have two words for you: Vampire Weekend.” So I looked them up and couldn’t stop listening to it. Shades of the Clash, some afro-beat influences, […]

Feist: ‘in the pocket’

June 20, 2007


My favorite musical term is “in the pocket.” Musicians I love and respect can always play in the pocket, and it’s beautiful to watch. It’s hard to explain, so I’m going to let jazz musician Tyra Neftzger define it for you: “In music, the pocket isn’t a place where the musician holds something — it’s […]