The phone call in April left me a mess for months. Even now, I long to call her up a hundred times a day just to hear her voice, just to say hello to a dear friend. However, I lack the strength to discover exactly how far she’s moved on, and with whom. Torturing myself […]
For our 58th fight, we holed up in the library in your grandmother’s house. I forget what the fight was about — American politics, drugs, an ex-boyfriend — but the end result was this: you refused to let me talk you out of your bad mood, so I, impatient and pissed, decided to leave. As […]
Tim Cigelske gave me the heads up on Posterous, a content management system that lets you upload anything you want via e-mail. Tim posts Teecycle photos, but I thought I’d use it to make Attention Deficit Disorder mixes (mostly because if I attach more than three songs to emails, Gmail won’t send it). So here […]
When I was an associate editor at Law Office Computing Magazine in Costa Mesa, I was so bored I would come in at 10 a.m., google dinosaur photos and draw silly hats on them on MS Paint. Here is a photo I found from that dark period in my life.
I used to be neck-deep in music. I’d go to two to three shows a week, had a neverending pile of CDs by my desk, download a bunch of albums in one go. When the magazine I worked for died, there was no reason for me to keep current on music for work, which meant […]
How apt, that while I am preparing for a lengthy trip back to the Philippines, Amir calls me with news that he produced an abridged version of the film we made four years ago, “my break ups into a million pieces.†(He directed/edited/produced, I wrote/produced/was in it.) Parts of it — stuff I said and […]
Moonlight over Milwaukee River (apologies to Easy Fagela) Negotiating the last call for alcohol past 2 a.m., Post-drunken ramblings in a bar in Riverwest I take your hand, tucked into a jacket, through a walkway Of latent shrubs and marked up fences Until we face an opening above the city, A full moon cracking the […]
Here’s a Martha Wainwright review I wrote for Fan-Belt Milwaukee: I’m not going to lie: Martha Wainwright and not headliner KT Tunstall was the reason I went to the Pabst for the second night in a row. I’ve been in love with her voice, her impassioned delivery and her obscenity-laced confessional songs since her self-titled […]
i had a dream that i was at some kind of writer’s retreat,.. or creative retreat…or diving vacay. a band like rainer maria played. and there were dudes there. sonofa, some dude who was in a band like rainer maria, but he was pudgy, and then another one who was like blaine at project runway. […]
Here’s a Bon Iver review I wrote for Fan-Belt Milwaukee: Actually, I’m kinda miffed that I had to share Justin Vernon with 100x more people than the last time I saw him. A bunch of people braved the zero-degree weather in January to watch that Mad Planet show, which was also sold-out. Back then, Bon […]
December 21, 2008