A few months ago, I had a faux chalkboard up in my tiny kitchen in Long Beach. (Actually we had two of them; one on the front door for reminders and the second one, the one I’m referring to, for general hopes and dreams.) On it: new digs, more $$$, and CREATIVITY in big letters, […]
Here’s what I found out about, me, the Fire Snake: When the Water is your lucky element Pig and Rat are your lucky animals. Years of Pig and Rat are your lucky years. Months of Pig and Rat are your lucky Months. Winter or cold season is your lucky season. 21:00 – 1:00 (9 P.M. […]
I couldn’t remember how I ever enjoyed alcohol. And then I did.
But I don’t. They just all feel very foreign and far away.
So I can still get irrationally mad with impunity.
Last weekend we started to watch a stupid movie about ramen with Brittany Murphy in it. We didn’t finish it but I’ve had ramen twice this week already. Thank god for Mitsuwa.
I really love my life, so please don’t kill me by driving like a douchebag.
I’ve been trying to combat my natural aversion to waiting for things (why do you think I’m always late?) by practicing patience. The internet is a boon, sure, but it also atrophies your brain sometimes. So here are a few tricks I’ve learned to battle the waiting game: 1. Do a countdown. 2. Procrasturbate. 3. […]
Here is a limerick I wrote, published in the Philippine Star today (thanks Chonx!): There was a silly mommy named Peggy Of jobs she had so very many Law medicine and food Were all her forte (and she was good!) But she was best at making everyone feel  jolly
My eyes are swollen from crying tears of joy, I can’t sleep from happiness, and today is a great day. In other news, what was up with Michelle Obama’s dress? Why was it so shiny?
May 20, 2012