I was missing Jah so badly today, and I realized this must be how parents feel all the time when their children are away. It’s a sick, queasy feeling coupled with an emptiness that distracts you into trying to start everything and finishing nothing.
Where we will, among other things, watch midgets boxing in clubs.
Jah schools Adam on guitar.
We went to the store for entertainment. This is what $240 worth of media looks like. (And those books were $3-$8 each.)
But I don’t. They just all feel very foreign and far away.
Next year we are moving to a house that will enable us to imagine all sorts of things, and I will fill it with items my good friend Apol makes.
I must admit I wasn’t a fan when we first moved, but I love how unpretentiously cool it is. Kinda dirty, kinda dangerous. Don’t swim in the water.
September 26, 2011