My favorite musical term is “in the pocket.” Musicians I love and respect can always play in the pocket, and it’s beautiful to watch. It’s hard to explain, so I’m going to let jazz musician Tyra Neftzger define it for you: “In music, the pocket isn’t a place where the musician holds something — it’s […]
You know what? Unlike the person above, I am not a Joan Jett fan. But Erika was, so she dragged me along to Joan Jett and The Blackhearts’ headlining show Sunday night at the Summerfest grounds. No, it’s not 1987 anymore, but Joan Jett die-hards weren’t hard to come by. Now I understand why; Jett […]
For many music fans, Coachella is better than Christmas. So when I found out that the festival was expanding to three days, I was ecstatic. Then I got really upset when it sold out in February. I was lucky; I got a ticket eventually. But although this year isn’t a big mad rush to see […]
Here are bands that blew me away in 2005 1. Broken Social Scene, Broken Social Scene They demolish the audience with their sonic army, and shoot out the music with subtle waves of sound and blasts of guitar…ewan. arte. I interviewed Kevin once. “Come backstage after the show,” he said. I would’ve, but then I […]
June 20, 2007