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Ani DiFranco at Riverside Theater

September 21, 2007


“It smells a lot like patchouli,” Sonya told me as we hunkered down to our seats, a little late. Ani DiFranco, new mom and feminist folk singing hero, was already slinking around the stage. I think she was singing “Napoleon” when we walked in, but I don’t know how much we missed. I listened to […]

i have battles in my life

September 17, 2007


I may pick Battles‘ “Atlas” as my best album of 2007 (over Feist) if only because it’s made me think more than any other album in recent memory. Apparently it’s done the same for many other music journalists as well, and they’ve spawned the best articles, quotes and videos about them I’ve seen in a […]

Bloc Party at the Pabst

September 13, 2007


You could say I am a Bloc Party concert connoisseur, having seen the British band about six times since 2005. So I will say this: the band seemed pretty hyped to be playing for the first time ever in Wisconsin. (With the help of a couple of Red Bulls and a Pokemon stuffed toy onstage.) […]

Rufus Wainwright at the Pabst Theater

August 28, 2007


Rufus Wainwright’s show at the Pabst Theater last night was sort of like a vacation into an exotic, foreign country. It was mezmerizing, sexy, sometimes uncomfortable and tiring but constantly surprising. Because he was shooting the show for a DVD, he apologized in advance for doing some of the songs over. But to the enthusiastic […]

Rage Against the Machine at Alpine Valley, Aug. 24

August 25, 2007


Maybe it’s ironic that I went to see Rage with three Phish heads (thanks, Adam, Don and Bert!), but as we waited on the freeway exit where cars were bumpered up for miles, trudged across the muddy parking lots, encountered fanatics wearing concert t-shirts from 1997, 1998, 1995, with every step, I understood. It wasn’t […]

Lollapalooza, Day 2: Muse Made Me Miss Radiohead

August 5, 2007


The best thing about Lollapalooza this year is that we were staying at a friend’s condo on N. Harbor, maybe a block away from Grant Park. Yup, no cabs, no public transportation, no driving — no parking fees, either, since my friend hooked us up with a spot after the first day. (Thanks Meredith!) So […]

Day 1: Daft Punk Killed Lollapalooza

August 4, 2007


I mean that in the non-literal, yet literal sense of the word of course, in that after their set you felt like it would be OK to go to heaven. It was a great big party, that’s hard to describe in words, so here are photos. Lovers were kissing everywhere you looked at Grant Park. […]

Three shows, one night: Dappled Cities, Interpol and the Fratellis

August 2, 2007


Here’s the biggest reason I love Milwaukee: On Monday, I saw three awesome bands — Dappled Cities, Interpol (see lead singer Paul Banks’ photo above) and the Fratellis — in one night. I shuttled to and from the Pabst Theater and the Rave to do so, but it wasn’t a hassle at all. No expensive […]

Pitchfork Music Festival: Aesthetically Pleasing in More Ways Than One

July 16, 2007


The fact that the Pitchfork Music Festival 2007 sold out, partnered with ATP, and had a lineup that was every snotty indie music nerd’s wet dream meant that there was a lot of pseudo-intellectual music analysis overheard this weekend. If I carried a recorder while walking through the crowds I could’ve remembered a lot of […]

My Very First Summerfest Experience

June 29, 2007


There’s a reason my Summerfest blog took so long to post. In fact, I am still processing the whole experience right now. I got to see John Mayer in the rain, fireworks, Built to Spill, Son Volt and the Old 97s. I drank a lot of $4.50 beer and paid $15 for parking MORE THAN […]