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A Collection of Stories about Collections of Colonies of Bees: Bon Iver, Pitchfork and sleeping instead of Cactus

February 16, 2008


Since I first saw them play about six months ago, I’ve said this randomly to various people at various times: Collection of Colonies of Bees may be my most favorite Milwaukee band of all time. I saw them open for Slarrafenland (the Danes) that I was blown away. I bought a copy of “Birds” that […]

Hot to Not: A short list to induce warm fuzzy feelings in you (Bon Iver, Bird and the Bee), then cold wrangly ones (lame fashion shows at art museums)

January 28, 2008


1. Vampire Weekend -  I was whining to a friend about the lousy Coachella lineup (this may be the first one I’ll miss in five years), and he said: “I have two words for you: Vampire Weekend.” So I looked them up and couldn’t stop listening to it. Shades of the Clash, some afro-beat influences, […]

Best of 2007

December 31, 2007


I live for lists. My friends and I make the best-of music lists every year for shits and giggles. I started writing this list in September, mostly because last year I didn’t have a top 10. It was more of a top 6, because I didn’t like as many albums as I thought I would. […]

Slaraffenland talks about Milwaukee

November 21, 2007


When Slaraffenland, the Danish five-piece described as “Sun Ra meets Broken Social Scene” and “Animal Collective meets This Heat” stopped at the Cactus Club in October to perform with Collections of Colonies of Bees, we were transfixed. Their album “Private Cinema,” released in June, featured awesome artwork from Friends With You, and their live show […]

Battles’ Ian Williams: Finger-tappin’ good.

November 7, 2007


Our editorial assistant, Adam Lovinus, described Battles in MKE six months ago: “Funks out like Talking Heads on LSD, plus math-rock explorations and psychedelic texturing to gritty guitar funk” when they stopped at Stonefly last July. Back then, MKE theorized they were going to be the next big thing and Milwaukee audiences would be able […]

Show Report: Polysics and Do Make Say Think

October 28, 2007


Last Monday I saw Polysics and Do Make Say Think perform on the same night. Polysics was opening the MySpace Music Tour at the Rave, and while there were reports of heads exploding at their live shows, I saw nothing of the sort. I did see and hear a lot of bad-assity going on. Wearing […]

Good, Better, Best: Three Shows in Milwaukee

October 22, 2007


Good: Oct. 21: Joanna Newsom at the Pabst Theater. Despite warnings of friends about Joanna Newsom (ranging from “I can’t stand her voice, but then again I’m not from Middle Earth” to “she’s all the bad bits of Tori Amos and Kate Bush combined into one annoying singer-harpist”), I was very excited to see her. […]

Sonya disses Ryan Adams; I just took the photos

September 26, 2007


Blog Party guest contributor Sonya Knauss talks about Ryan Adam’s show at Riverside Theater on Tuesday, Sept. 25 I should’ve guessed how moody Ryan Adams can be just by listening to his lyrics. I only own one of his CD’s, “Heartbreaker,” and it’s full of, well, heartbreak. Painful. He’s the guy who wrote the song […]

Rhett Miller at Shank Hall

September 24, 2007


Rhett Miller is HOT. Even when he is sweaty and trying to get drunk, he is so cute you want to fold him up and tuck him into your back pocket. And maybe pet him once in a while. What makes him even cuter? He sings the sweetest songs, can do that little elbow-windmill guitar […]

The National at the Pabst

September 22, 2007


In the middle of the National’s show at the Pabst on Friday, someone in the band thanked Milwaukee, saying, “The last time we played here, there were like, 20 people around.” There were substantially a lot more in attendance that night. It wasn’t a packed house, but it was close to it, and most everybody […]