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If You Could Live Anywhere But Here and Now

September 8, 2012


I always used to choose 1980s Baguio. But I think Sebastopol and/or Humboldt in 2012 would be a great place to live in too, if I could get over the cold.

Easy Still Does It

March 18, 2012


It feels like I only update this blog when plagued with ennui, but I find myself looking for ways to spur myself into doing something creative without feeling spent. So I just look up what my friends are up to. Here is a song Easy Fagela wrote in the ’90s. I still remember it from […]

Everybody Wants to Go on Forever, I Just Wanna Burn up Hard and Bright

October 11, 2011


Due to a series of serendipitous events, I lucked out and saw Ryan Adams in San Diego tonight with Amateur Chemist. When we got there, we were told the worldwide tour policy is no photos (“he looks the same except the venues are darker”), so I drew pics instead. Here’s the OCW review.

My, How We’ve Grown

September 15, 2011


Six years ago we were just little twits messing around at work. Now we’re married ladies! I can’t wait to see A in this new life phase.

I Can’t Wait for Them to Grow Up

September 10, 2011


So they can play together.

Our House Will Be a House of Imagination

September 7, 2011


Next year we are moving to a house that will enable us to imagine all sorts of things, and I will fill it with items my good friend Apol makes.

Gang Badoy, Idol

November 1, 2010


Nakilala ko si Gang through an orgmate, about 15 years ago. Mostly my orgmate (who was also her boyfriend at the time) would just talk about her in awe, so I was always like, ‘Sino ba ‘tong Gang na to?’ Later on, I re-met her through Rock Ed. As she says in this interview, “The […]

Juvenalia, care of Sunshine

August 5, 2009


I was fixing my published fiction files when I found a short story I wrote  with my one of my best friends from high school, Sunshine. It was for the teenybopper magazine Candy in 2002.  So I put it up. I wish I had gotten PDFs — the illustrations of this story were AWESOME. Anyway, […]


July 22, 2009


In June, I started a tri-city music blog with Araceli and Brian. As a freelancer (who used to work for major dailies), I still get loads of press releases for music. And there’s so much going on in Los Angeles that I felt it was a shame I didn’t have an outlet for everything I […]

My top 10 experiences of 2008

April 24, 2009


This year proved that what I am really best at is either a) looking on the bright side or b) deluding myself. Because despite getting laid off (RIP, MKE), I traveled a lot, developed new relationships, discovered what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. At the very least, 2008 was waaaaay […]