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Now It’s September. Where Did the Time Go?

September 1, 2011


A photo from Yosemite this year that made me feel 1) like Anselm Adams and 2) like a speck in the universe, but in a good way.

Long Beach is Definitely Growing on Me

August 31, 2011


I must admit I wasn’t a fan when we first moved, but I love how unpretentiously cool it is. Kinda dirty, kinda dangerous. Don’t swim in the water.  

Sorry I Was Out of Commission…Had a Baby and All

August 30, 2011


Gang Badoy, Idol

November 1, 2010


Nakilala ko si Gang through an orgmate, about 15 years ago. Mostly my orgmate (who was also her boyfriend at the time) would just talk about her in awe, so I was always like, ‘Sino ba ‘tong Gang na to?’ Later on, I re-met her through Rock Ed. As she says in this interview, “The […]

My Toes Look Like Vienna Sausages (and Other Pregnant Pauses)

September 30, 2010


One day I will take a photo of my toes And look at it years later, wrinkle my nose They look like they should be stuffed in a can Or cooking in a campfire frying pan. It’s not the only thing that’s weird about me So many changes come with a growing belly There’s the […]

Remix: Santiago Bose

January 28, 2010


More than a month’s worth of rain fell in just 12 hours.

September 26, 2009


The Philippine capital Metro Manila recently experienced a devastating typhoon. Dozens have died, whole houses are underwater, and the Philippine government is ill-equipped to deal with the disaser. BBC’s report is here:, but I don’t think anyone will know how just how much damage there is until much later. Imagine this: Katrina dumped over […]

I love the Oldies

August 26, 2009


Last weekend, Adam and I were in a car accident in Barstow, on the 247 by the Mojave desert. Because it was a Saturday and there were no body repair shops around, I had my car towed to Loma Linda, where my grandmother lives. We ended up sleeping in Loma Linda and getting both my […]

Juvenalia, care of Sunshine

August 5, 2009


I was fixing my published fiction files when I found a short story I wrote  with my one of my best friends from high school, Sunshine. It was for the teenybopper magazine Candy in 2002.  So I put it up. I wish I had gotten PDFs — the illustrations of this story were AWESOME. Anyway, […]

R.I.P. Cory Aquino

July 31, 2009


When I was a freshman in high school at St. Scholastica’s College (which was incidentally President Cory Aquino’s alma mater) being president of the country was a popular aspiration. Sunshine wanted to be president, I remember. So did Margaux, or maybe it was Debbie. For the 12 and 13-year-old girls in my class, Cory Aquino […]