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Why do I think this is funny?

August 6, 2008


This is a Bubble Gang video about a kid and her nanny. Yes, I could relate, and the actors are FRIKKIN spot on, but I don’t know what it says about me and all of Philippine culture that this is considered hilarious. It perfectly illustrates the power struggle between a nanny and her ward. A […]

Lollapalooza, 2008

August 6, 2008


This was a review I wrote for the JS, but wasn’t printed. 🙁 Un-frickin-believable lineup aside, four things aptly summed up this year’s Lollapalooza: Obama rumors, Radiohead hangovers, onstage parties and hipster headbands. Whoever planned this year’s Lollapalooza lineup was pure genius: it was the best collection of old and new acts, cult favorites and […]

Radiohead always makes me feel lonely

August 4, 2008


Even in a massive sea of people.

Perez Hilton talks about Manila.

July 29, 2008


I never thought I’d see my hometown in Perez Hilton. Whoa.

This made me cry

July 24, 2008


Can you go home again?

July 21, 2008


Art picked me up from the John Wayne airport. As we turned into Campus, then the 55, then Newport, I was struck by how much I missed Orange County. The streets were wide and clean and welcoming, how the air seemed cleaner and much more open, how everyone’s tattoos were less grungy, and people wore […]

What now?

July 12, 2008


A lot of people have been asking me that question, especially because I’ve announced to all that I am leaving Milwaukee. I don’t know where I want to go, but as much as I love my friends in Milwaukee and the city itself, I know for sure I can’t handle another winter in my life. […]

Benevento Russo Duo @ Summerfest’s Big Backyard

July 3, 2008


Not that there was anything wrong with a post-rock duo at Summerfest’s Briggs stage. It was just odd that the Benevento Russo Duo stage was PACKED. And it wasn’t old Rush fans, or hipsters, or music nerds — it was a lot of bro-ey college and high school kids who seemed to know what they […]

The lola song

July 1, 2008


Dennis and Carlo are so funny. This is like a Flip version of ‘Flight of the Conchords.’ But funnier cause it’s Dennis and Carlo. Dennis was my roommate for a year or something. He makes good salmon steak.

What happens when you plagiarize yourself?

June 27, 2008


I was reading my old blog and saw this post, written in January, 2003: Nothing better If I could feel just one emotion for the rest of my life, it would be anticipation. Running across the airport with your rolling suitcase, going on a blind date, opening a new CD, falling in love, sticking your […]