This is a Bubble Gang video about a kid and her nanny. Yes, I could relate, and the actors are FRIKKIN spot on, but I don’t know what it says about me and all of Philippine culture that this is considered hilarious. It perfectly illustrates the power struggle between a nanny and her ward. A […]
This was a review I wrote for the JS, but wasn’t printed. 🙁 Un-frickin-believable lineup aside, four things aptly summed up this year’s Lollapalooza: Obama rumors, Radiohead hangovers, onstage parties and hipster headbands. Whoever planned this year’s Lollapalooza lineup was pure genius: it was the best collection of old and new acts, cult favorites and […]
Even in a massive sea of people.
I never thought I’d see my hometown in Perez Hilton. Whoa.
Art picked me up from the John Wayne airport. As we turned into Campus, then the 55, then Newport, I was struck by how much I missed Orange County. The streets were wide and clean and welcoming, how the air seemed cleaner and much more open, how everyone’s tattoos were less grungy, and people wore […]
A lot of people have been asking me that question, especially because I’ve announced to all that I am leaving Milwaukee. I don’t know where I want to go, but as much as I love my friends in Milwaukee and the city itself, I know for sure I can’t handle another winter in my life. […]
Not that there was anything wrong with a post-rock duo at Summerfest’s Briggs stage. It was just odd that the Benevento Russo Duo stage was PACKED. And it wasn’t old Rush fans, or hipsters, or music nerds — it was a lot of bro-ey college and high school kids who seemed to know what they […]
Dennis and Carlo are so funny. This is like a Flip version of ‘Flight of the Conchords.’ But funnier cause it’s Dennis and Carlo. Dennis was my roommate for a year or something. He makes good salmon steak.
I was reading my old blog and saw this post, written in January, 2003: Nothing better If I could feel just one emotion for the rest of my life, it would be anticipation. Running across the airport with your rolling suitcase, going on a blind date, opening a new CD, falling in love, sticking your […]
August 6, 2008