Mastodon was supposed to play on Thursday, May 10, at the Rave. But due to the drummer’s illness, they canceled at the last minute. Did we mind? A little.
But there were still three other awesome bands on that night — Against Me!, Cursive, Flosstradamus and !!!, plus some moshing on the side. Here’s proof.

MKE designer Tuc Krueger and his friend Rob Miller, both former Rave employees, enjoying the scenery.

The Rave foyer had a pretty cool moshpit going on, before Cursive even started.

Singer Tim Kasher was amazing. How does he make metal sound melancholy?

The whole band was dressed in suits. They rocked out in suits. Word.

During intermission I hustled over to the merch table. I don’t know why lots of bands’ merch tables now have tip boxes.

Then we went to watch another metal band on the sidelines. I never realized the Rave was wheelchair friendly.

There were a lot of mohawks in the crowd. Punk’s not dead! At least not when you’re at an Against Me! show. They rock so hard I bet the audience peed in their pants a little bit from the force of hardcore political music fused with tight black muscle shirts.

Right before !!! started Tuc cleared out, because he is old.

I however, stayed to catch the booty-shaking, tambourine party that is !!! at the Rave’s basement.

Oh — and there were no mohawks there. Just a lot of tight-pants-ed hipsters.

—Lilledeshan Bose
Posted in: Uncategorized
Posted on May 17, 2007 by lillitot