What headliner starts a show at 9 p.m.? Joshua Radin, that’s who. And I discovered at Shank Hall on Friday night that his name is pronounced Ray-dihn, like radium instead of radish, like I thought it was.
It was a sweet, laid-back show, and you could feel the love in the air. Not just from the crowd to Radin and vice versa, but between Schulyer Fisk and Radin (he likened himself to Johnny Cash, and kept calling Fisk — his girlfriend, according to Wikipedia — June.) She had a voice that could break hearts. He had a voice that could heal hearts.
Because I expected him to begin playing at 10 p.m., I got there 20 minutes after Radin started. I caught him in the middle of a story — he was explaining how he wrote all these songs for an ex-girlfriend who ruined him, and now she is unemployed and can resent his success. “Because she gets nothing!” he cackled.
I’m bad at recreating jokes, but Radin was funny. For “Paperweight,” Fisk joined him onstage. “Closer” was the last song of the night (how punny), and afterward he and Fisk went out to talk to the crowd. By that time I was on my way home, baskng in the love vibes of Shank Hall.
–Lille Bose
Posted on April 14, 2007 by lillitot